No. 3 (2022): Cooperations and Transimperial Circulations in Africa (end of the 19th century - 1960s)


Issue coordinated by Damiano Matasci (Université de Genève) and Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (Université de Coimbra)
Editorial coordination (RHCA) by Céline Labrune-Badiane and Martin Mourre

The first part of this double issue of the Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Afrique explores the wide range of connections, transfers and exchanges that spanned the borders of colonial empires between the end of the 19th century and the 1960s. More specifically, its aim is to contribute to decentering the history of Africa by placing the study of mobility at the heart of the reflection. Based on a variety of case studies embracing the whole continent, the contributions unveil little-known or understudied colonial circuits, as well as the dynamics of cooperation and competition between a wide range of international, imperial, colonial, and African actors. They also highlight connections with other regions of the world and provide original perspectives for understanding the complex transactions that shaped, and were shaped by, the trajectories towards political emancipation. Taken as a whole, the articles ultimately demonstrate the heuristic potential of trans-imperial history and pave the way for new research.

Published: 2022-04-15
