Mwami Musinga and the preservation of the Kagera border between Rwanda and Tanganyika

The trans-imperial turn after the First World War


  • Geert Castryck Leipzig University (Germany)



trans-imperial turn, border, mwami Musinga, Rwanda, League of Nations mandate


After the First World War, the Belgian and British authorities divided German East Africa. The border between Rwanda and Tanganyika was initially an asymmetrical exchange, as the British claimed large portions of Rwandan territory in order to realise the imperial “Cape to Cairo” project. However, it soon became clear that in the context of a new world order, this could not remain a bilateral affair. Rwanda and its king, the missionary orders in Rwanda, the Belgian colonial administration and the explicit reference to the principles of the League of Nations indeed made it possible to renegotiate what initially seemed to be an Anglo-Belgian fait accompli agreement. The “trans-imperial turn” that characterised the years following the First World War thus facilitated transfers between a wide range of actors, it allowed for a transformation of the imperial order and provided the possibility of transcending imperial logics to some extent.


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How to Cite

Castryck, Geert. 2022. “Mwami Musinga and the Preservation of the Kagera Border Between Rwanda and Tanganyika: The Trans-Imperial Turn After the First World War”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, no. 3 (October):129-43.