
12 Items

The RHCA publishes interviews with different actors involved in thinking critically about history and historical memories in Africa. Interviews may be conducted with:

- makers of history/memories (artists, griots, storytellers, academics, activists of remembrance associations, etc.) in such a way as to link the life trajectories of these actors to their relationship to Africa’s past. In the light of this, interviews should aim to illustrate different ways of thinking, positions, methodological and epistemological constructions, and how all these elements have been shaped and have developed in relation to biographical paths.

- agents of history (witnesses, activists, campaigners etc.) with the aim to reveal how their personal trajectories may enable us to understand Africa’s social, political, and cultural constructions, and also how these agents look back on their trajectories and on the events they participated in.

Furthermore, our journal will give special attention to interviews highlighting the trajectories of women as makers and/or agents of African history.

Interviews must include a brief opening section summarizing the interviewee's background and the conditions in which the interview was conducted (half a page maximum). All in all, interviews must not exceed 35,000 characters, including spaces, but excluding the bibliography.
Authors can submit contributions at 

Editors responsible for this section: Fabienne Chamelot, Céline Labrune-Badiane and Anton Tarradellas

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