The Township’s Soundtrack

Cinematic Culture and Sonic Urbanity in Kinshasa and Johannesburg, 1930s-1950s


  • Charlotte Grabli CIRESC-CNRS (France) / Faculty of History UCLA (USA)



Johannesburg, Léopoldville/Kinshasa, cinematic culture, soundtrack, films’ reception, acoustic, urbanity, colonial history, censorship, segregation


This article studies the cinematic cultures of Kinshasa and Johannesburg townships from the 1930s-1950s, with a focus on spectatorship and the reception of films’ soundtracks - two aspects often overlooked by film studies. Although Hollywood had a similar impact in the areas of Sophiatown, in Johannesburg, and the “cité indigène” (“native quarters”) of Leopoldville (current day Kinshasa), the audiences of these cities considered films’ music and dialogue in radically different ways. Examining these two modes of sound-based reception, this article unpacks the complex relationship between sound, space and the politics of fiction in the colonial and apartheid era, from the first screenings designed for African audiences to the production of early popular films featuring African actors in the late 1950s, until the destruction of Sophiatown and 1960 Congo’s independance.


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How to Cite

Grabli, Charlotte. 2021. “The Township’s Soundtrack: Cinematic Culture and Sonic Urbanity in Kinshasa and Johannesburg, 1930s-1950s ”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, no. 2 (October):18-41.