Evaluation Form

Reminder: RHCA publishes original articles on the contemporary history of the African continent using historical methodology.

Originality: A (very good) - B (good) - C (insufficient)

Is the topic innovative or original?

Eventually: does it match the theme of the special issue?

If you notice any gaps or shortcomings, could you suggest ways of remedying them?

Rigor in the use of historical methodology: A (very good) - B (good) - C (insufficient)

Does the article provide a relevant literature review in the introduction, placing the topic within contemporary historical debates?

Are the use of sources and the methodological choices clear and relevant?

If you notice any gaps or shortcomings, could you suggest ways of remedying them?

Conversation with current historical litterature: A (very good) - B (good) - C (insufficient)

Does the article include a review of the relevant literature in the introduction, placing the subject in the context of contemporary historical debates?

If you notice any gaps, could you give specific references on which the author could draw?

Structure and lisibility: A (very good) - B (good) - C (insufficient)

Is the thesis, the central idea of the article, clearly and explicitly identifiable?

Is the structure of the argument responding to this thesis (clearly) apparent to the reader?

Does the article meet the editorial standards of the journal (structure, spelling, bibliographic standards, maximum 55,000 characters)?

If you notice any gaps or shortcomings, could you suggest ways of remedying them?

In short, this article should be:

Accepted without modifications ; accepted with the following minor modifications (to be stipulated below) ; accepted with a rewrite as described below; refused.

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