No. 2 (2021): Urban cultures in southern Africa

					View No. 2 (2021): Urban cultures in southern Africa

Issue coordinated by Sophie Dulucq (IFAS Research/FRAMESPA), Noor Nieftagodien (Witwatersrand University) and Mathieu Rey (IFPO/IFAS Research)

Editorial coordination (RHCA): Camille Evrard and Alexander Keese

This special issue aims to address the cultural history of urban societies in contemporary Southern Africa. Between repulsion and attraction, domination and resistance, invention and accommodation, this history has been shaped by encounters between African populations and European settlers, by diasporic communities in the colonial and post-colonial periods and by migrants of all origins. This issue highlights the multiple links between places, specific scenes and the cultural forms that have developed there.

Published: 2021-10-01