Approcher l’expérience de guerre des enfants algériens réfugiés (1957-1962)

Analyse critique de Comme la pierre est à la pierre et J’ai huit ans


  • Maia Nichols University of Californie, San Diego (USA)



art therapy, Algerian liberation war, humanitarian, child drawings, film studies, propaganda


This contribution analyzes film fragments of Algerian refugee children in Morocco and Tunisia at the culmination of the Algerian Liberation War. Two films are considered: J’ai huit ans (1961), directed by René Vautier, Olga Baïdar-Poliakoff and Yann Le Masson; and Comme la pierre est à la pierre (1962), produced by Stanley Wright for the UN’s Children’s Fund. This paper argues that film footage excerpts may transcend or escape the symbolic meanings and messages of the narrative work as a whole when viewed analytically in separate parts. It maintains that, in the specific case of these films, children’s contribution to the culture and climate of revolutionary Algeria went beyond the role assigned to them by the filmmakers’ and caretakers’ handling and staging of them for the documentary narratives under consideration. Mobilizing film as a source for the history of war and its cultural memory is therefore presented as a possible means for working with documentary film amongst a broader set of works.


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How to Cite

Nichols, Maia. 2023. “Approcher l’expérience De Guerre Des Enfants algériens réfugiés (1957-1962): Analyse Critique De Comme La Pierre Est à La Pierre Et J’ai Huit Ans”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, October.