« One country, one government, one flag and soon one currency »

The CFA franc in the Anglophone Cameroun (1960-1963)


  • Robin Frisch University of Bayreuth (Germany)




CFA franc, nationalism, Southern Cameroons, reunification, visual history


This article analyses monetary propaganda during the introduction of the CFA franc in the Anglophone regions in Cameroun 1962. The dispositive of the CFA franc as well as the monetary iconography were important elements of the invention of the Cameroonian nation. The campaign of monetary conversion reflects not only the ambivalence of national unity and money, but also the specificities of colonial monetization in the franc zone. This article stresses currency as an instrument for political legitimation and construction of a national identity. During the reunification of Cameroun, the franc CFA was an instrument of power as well as an object of contestation. The nationalist policy of Ahmadou Ahidjo was a hidden French colonialism in which CFA franc iconography functioned as a diplomatic tool for the French government, a legitimizing myth for Ahidjo, but also as an object of contestation for anticolonial nationalisms.


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How to Cite

Frisch, Robin. 2022. “« One Country, One Government, One Flag and Soon One Currency »: The CFA Franc in the Anglophone Cameroun (1960-1963)”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, November. https://doi.org/10.51185/journals/rhca.2022.varia05.