An African trajectory on three continents, from the colonial period to globalisation

Interview with Samuel Mbele-Mbong


  • Anton Tarradellas Geneve University



Cameroon, decolonization, student, United States, Geneva, international organizations


Samuel Mbele-Mbong's story began in 1942 in a small village in Cameroon and then unfolded on three continents:
Africa, North America – where he studied – and Europe – where he completed his professional career in an
international organization. It thus crosses several decades, from colonization to independence, from the Cold War
to globalization. While unique, this journey highlights the role played in Africa’s recent history by those Africans
who, without being public figures, have acted as connectors and mediators between their continent and the rest of
the world.


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How to Cite

Tarradellas, Anton. 2022. “An African Trajectory on Three Continents, from the Colonial Period to Globalisation: Interview With Samuel Mbele-Mbong”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, September.