Lumumba’s odyssey

The issues at stake in the repatriation of his remains


  • Yasmina Zian Université du Luxembourg (UniLu) and Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (Belgique)
  • Matthias De Groof Université d’Amsterdam (UvA) and Université d’Anvers (UA) (Netherland; Belgium)
  • Francis Mapanze Mangole Université de Kinshasa (UNIKIN) (DRC)



Democratif Republic of Congo, art, repatriation, return, violence, Belgium, collective memory


This article revisits the issues at stake in the restitution of the tooth of Lumumba, which took place in June 2022 in Brussels and continued with ceremonies in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). By looking back at the way the events unfolded, it analyzes how artists as well as political and social actors invested this tooth as a symbol for their creations or their claims in Belgium and DRC. These elements allow us to reflect on the historical nature of this recent event.


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How to Cite

Zian, Yasmina, Matthias De Groof, and Francis Mapanze Mangole. 2023. “Lumumba’s Odyssey: The Issues at Stake in the Repatriation of His Remains”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, no. 5 (December):19-38.