About the Journal

Revue d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Afrique (RHCA) is a French-speaking journal of contemporary history with an international editorial board that focuses on the contemporary history of the African continent (19th - 21st century). Entirely open access, 2 thematic issues are published per year, as well as various articles, book reviews, interviews and a section on "sources, terrains & contexts". RHCA aims to be a place for the publication of articles in French, but also for meetings and exchanges for historians of Africa, whether they are based in Europe, North America or on the African continent.

Journal supported in 2022 by

Journal supported in 2023 by: Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin), Institut des mondes africains (Condorcet), LAM (Bordeaux), CHS (Condorcet).

Access : Open Access

Periodicity: 2 issues per year.

Year of creation : 2019

Yea of first publication : 2021

e-ISSN : 2673-7604

Publication languages : français et anglais

Policy on publication fees. Submission fee: no. Publication fees: no.

Contact :

email : revuerhca@gmail.com

Twitter : @revuerhca




Content published by RHCA is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International .

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