Judith A. Byfield (2021) - The Great Upheaval: Women and Nation in Postwar Nigeria, Athens, Ohio University Press


  • Sara Panata Les Afriques dans le Monde, CNRS (France)



Mots-clés :

Femmes, Nigéria, Abeokuta


Judith A. Byfield, The Great Upheaval: Women and Nation in Postwar Nigeria, Athens, Ohio University Press, 2021, 276 p.


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MARTIN Maria (2016), « “More Power to Your Great Self”: Nigerian Women Activism and the Pan-African Transnationalist Construction of Black Feminism », Phylon (1960-), 53(2), pp. 54-78.

MBA Nina (1982), Nigerian Women Mobilized: Women’s Political Activity in Southern Nigeria, 1900-1965, Berkeley, University of California.

OLADEJO Mutiat Titilope (2016), Ibadan Market Women and Politics, 1900-1995, Lanham, Lexington Books.

PANATA Sara, (2020), Le Nigeria en mouvement(s) : la place des mouvements féminins et féministes dans les luttes socio-politiques nationales (1944-1994), thèse, Université Paris 1.

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Comment citer

Panata, Sara. 2023. « Judith A. Byfield (2021) - The Great Upheaval: Women and Nation in Postwar Nigeria, Athens, Ohio University Press ». Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, novembre. https://doi.org/10.51185/journals/rhca.2023.cr17.