A Technology of (Post)Colonial Rule?

The Belgian Congo Commission (2020-2022) in Historical Perspective


  • Sarah Van Beurden The Ohio State University (USA)
  • Gillian Mathys Ghent University (Belgium)




Colonial past, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Belgium, Transitional Justice, Public History, Reparations


This contribution considers the 2020-22 Belgian parliamentary commission on its colonial past (for which the authors served as experts) in a historical perspective, alongside two other Belgian parliamentary commissions on Congo: the 1904–5 Belgian Commission of Inquiry about the atrocities of Leopold II’s rubber regime in Congo and the 2000-2002 Belgian Commission of Investigation, which looked into the role of the Belgian state in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. After a brief introduction of the recent commission, we first reflect on the role of commission “experts”, and historians specifically. Second, we investigate to what extent these commissions function as technologies of rule that sustain rather than critique existing balances of power.

French Translation: Romain Tiquet.


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How to Cite

Van Beurden, Sarah, and Gillian Mathys. 2023. “A Technology of (Post)Colonial Rule? The Belgian Congo Commission (2020-2022) in Historical Perspective”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, no. 5 (December). https://doi.org/10.51185/journals/rhca.2023.stc04.