Imperial rivalries, scientific collaborations

British and Zanzibari support to the German conquest of Kilimanjaro (1887-1889)


  • Delphine Froment Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (France)



alpinism, Kilimanjaro, exploration, German imperialism, Hans Meyer, East Africa


In 1889, German explorer Hans Meyer was the first European to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro. Since the end of the 18th century, every first summit ascent was thought of in terms of “conquest”, meaning that alpinism became a medium of nationalism. While German, British and Zanzibari empires competed with each other in Eastern Africa, and as Mount Kilimanjaro was seen as the “top of Africa”, Meyer seized the opportunity to present his ascent as a political gesture: Mount Kilimanjaro should now be regarded as a German mountain. Varied sources, however, tend to show that Meyer received much support from the sultanate of Zanzibar as well as from the British. This article thus questions such trans-imperial collaborations, showing that, in the late 1880s, in spite of imperial rivalries, the conquest of Kilimanjaro was not yet seen as having major imperial stakes, but rather testified to the Westerners’ mastery of nature.



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How to Cite

Froment, Delphine. 2022. “Imperial Rivalries, Scientific Collaborations: British and Zanzibari Support to the German Conquest of Kilimanjaro (1887-1889)”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, no. 3 (April):19-34.