Mwanafunzi wa shule ya kikoloni, mwalimu baada ya uhuru wa Tanzania: simulizi ya mwanamke aliyewaelimisha wengi
Hojaji na Theresia M. (with an introduction in English)
East Africa, Tanganyika, women, education, life story, postcolonialAbstract
Born in 1941 in the British colony of Tanganyika, Theresia M. was one of the few hundred girls who were trained as teachers at the end of the colonial period. She began teaching in 1960, a year before independence, and belongs to the first generation of Tanzanian women who had full careers as qualified employees while marrying and having children. Her account, which focuses on educational issues, recounts the experiences of a woman whose background is that of a minority who played a major role in passing on knowledge after independence, when education for all became a political imperative. The interview sheds light on the family and educational contexts that enabled Theresia M. to build her path and highlights her social contribution to independent Tanzania through her commitment to adult education, in public programmes as well as with the Anglican Church.
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