"Queering the City"

The Politics of Intimacy, Sex and Liberation in Lourenço Marques (Mozambique) 1961-1982


  • Caio Simões de Araújo WiSER




Lourenço Marques/Maputo (Mozambique), urban life, same-sex sexuality, intimity, transnational culture


Historians of Lourenço Marques/Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, have written at length about the origins and development of the city’s vibrant and cosmopolitan urban culture since the early 20th century. Based on archival and oral history research, this paper intends to queer this literature by situating same-sex sexual, practices, desires, and affects in the context of the dynamic urban culture of the late colonial period, especially the notoriously rich nightlife of Rua Araújo, a strip of bars, nightclubs and cabarets located downtown. I articulate the local scale of the urban with the transnational circuits of tourism, migration, and circulation of cultural forms cutting across the city and its bohemian world. To do so, I follow four sets of actors who were consequential to the Lourenço Marques nightlife culture and its sexual geographies: “transactional lovers”, soldiers, travestis, and tourists. I then proceed to examine the transformations this urban scene underwent in the immediate aftermath of decolonization. My goal is to present a multifocal, albeit necessarily incomplete, history of how various gay men – or men who engaged in same-sex sexual acts – both inhabited the city and transformed its urban cultures in particular ways.

French Translation: Charlotte Bomy and Camille Evrard


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How to Cite

Simões de Araújo, Caio. 2021. “‘Queering the City’: The Politics of Intimacy, Sex and Liberation in Lourenço Marques (Mozambique) 1961-1982”. Revue d’histoire Contemporaine De l’Afrique, no. 2 (October):135-57. https://doi.org/10.51185/journals/rhca.2021.e557.