War Spoliations and Cultural Transfers: The Case Study of Soviet Cinema (1939-1949)



  • Eric Aunoble Université de Genève




This collection of articles is one of the last achievements of the scientific project called Cinema in the Soviet Union at war, 1939-1949. This project was initiated by Valérie Pozner (CNRS, Arias THALIM) and Alexandre Sumpf (University of Strasburg, ARCHE, CERCEC) and its goal was to go way further than studies on a couple of
Soviet war films uniformly quoted by authors dealing with the role of cinema during the “Great patriotic war”. It meant to include in its scope documentaries, newsreels and cartoons in order to explore this crucial moment in the development of one of the most important creative cultures of film history.


Pozner Valérie, Alexandre Sumpf (dir.), Catalogue de l’exposition “Filmer la guerre: les Soviétiques face à la Shoah, 1941-1946” , Paris, Mémorial de la Shoah, 2015.

Pozner Valérie, Alexandre Sumpf, Vanessa Voisin, “Que faire des images soviétiques de la Shoah?”, 1895. Mille huit cent quatre-vingt-quinze , 2015, n°76, online document, http://1895.revues.org/5007, accessed 21.05.2017.

Pozner Valérie, Irina Tcherneva, Vanessa Voisin (dir.), Perežit’ vojnu. Kinoindustrija v SSSR, 1939 - 1949 gody , Moscou: ROSSPEN, 2017 (to be published).

Tcherneva Irina, “Review: ‘International Colloquium Soviet War Propaganda on the Movie Screen, 1939–1946 / La propagande de guerre soviétique à l’écran, 1939-1946’”, Apparatus. Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, 2016, n°2-3, online document, http://www.apparatusjournal.net/index.php/apparatus/article/view/9/76, accessed 21.05.2017.




How to Cite

Aunoble, Eric. 2019. “ War Spoliations and Cultural Transfers: The Case Study of Soviet Cinema (1939-1949): Foreword”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 3 (November):7-10. https://doi.org/10.5077/journals/connexe.2017.e85.

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