Information For Dossier Coordinators

Researchers wishing to submit a dossier to the journal Connexe must send a brief description highlighting the scientific issues at stake, as well as a provisional table of contents, and an indicative bibliography to Dossiers comprise up to 10–12 articles, and are all subject to double anonymous peer review. They must not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces). Connexe’s Editorial Board and Scientific Committee decide on the relevance of dossiers for the journal. They also reserve the right to refuse articles contained in dossiers prior to peer review.

Dossier editors are required to ensure the quality of the articles they propose before they are submitted to the journal. Pre-requisites for the submission of articles are the following:

  • Text originality (the article must not be submitted nor published elsewhere);
  • A well-defined research question;
  • An excellent level of French/English;
  • Formatting in accordance with the editorial standards of the journal;
  • Iconographic documents and maps must be free of rights, submitted in separate files in .jpeg/.jpg formats, and accompanied by a list of appendices;

Non-compliance with these pre-requisites is a valid reason for refusing an article.

Once a dossier has been accepted by the Editorial Board, its editors must:

  • Propose an editorial calendar to the Editorial Board, drafted in consultation with the editorial secretary;
  • Coordinate the submission of articles on the OJS platform with their authors;
  • Write an introduction to the dossier presenting its scientific issues and contributions;
  • Prepare a presentation text of a maximum length of 2,000 characters (including spaces) mentioning the articles the dossier includes;
  • Propose 2–3 free of rights images in .jpeg/.jpg formats with a resolution higher than 300 dpi for the cover of the dossier;

Throughout the editorial process, dossier editors will be in contact with the journal’s editorial secretary, who will be their main interlocutor with the Editorial Board.