Films as Looted Cultural Goods from 1939 to the End of the Cold War

An East-West History in Progress


  • Sophie Coeuré Université Paris Diderot Paris 7 - ICT



Cinema, Cold war, France (Occupation and Liberation), Nazi looting and restitution, Soviet trophy policy


This article addresses the historiographical advances related to the films that were looted during the World War Two. It sets out to place them among a broader history of cultural goods in times of war and postwar. These recent works are put in perspective, in order to show their contribution to an entangled history of cultural heritage, violence and reparations. Freed from conventional chronological and geographical divisions, they embrace periods of War and Cold War, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The article first analyses how films and cinema industry took place in Nazi lootings and pillages. The second part presents what we do know about the fate of plundered film heritage during a long Cold War, and finally concludes by attempting to interpret a dialectical relationship between secrecy, oblivion and memory which continued until the 1990s and explains a still fragmentary historiography.


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How to Cite

Coeuré, Sophie. 2019. “Films As Looted Cultural Goods from 1939 to the End of the Cold War: An East-West History in Progress”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 3 (November):11-27.