Property rights and expropriations in Sochi

Winners and losers of the 2014 Olympic Games


  • Nikolay Karbainov Institut de Sociologie de l’Académie des sciences de Russie, Université de Saint- Pétersbourg
  • Ekaterina Gloriozova Centre d’étude de la vie politique, Université libre de Bruxelles



Mega-events, Property, Property seizure, Property rights, Olympic Games, Sochi, State dirigisme


This article aims at analyzing the expropriation problem in Sochi, host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Based on the critical paradigm theory, it attempts to analyze the distribution of benefits, as well as the economic and social costs to the residents of Sochi, whose property was requisitioned in favor of the Olympic project. Among them, we can identify the “winners”, who received compensation for their requisitioned property, and the “losers” who did not receive any compensation. The article aims at answering the following research question : in a context of state control, and in the absence of legal property rights, how were certain residents of the Imeretinskaïa Bay able to legalize their property rights and receive financial compensation or compensation in kind for the requisition of their real estate property? Based on the results of field studies in Sochi in 2010, 2011 and 2013, the article exposes five sets of explanatory factors: the international visibility of the Olympics; the mobilization and organization of a protest by the inhabitants of Sochi ; a model of ultra-centralized state control ; legal uncertainties which are characteristic of the transient property regimes in post-Soviet states ; and the legitimacy of informal property rights to the community and local political elites.


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How to Cite

Karbainov, Nikolay, and Ekaterina Gloriozova. 2019. “Property Rights and Expropriations in Sochi: Winners and Losers of the 2014 Olympic Games”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 2 (November):29-80.