The Cherkess mobilisation in the perspective of Sochi and beyond

Habzism towards Islamic renewal


  • Akhmet Yarlykapov Institut d’État des relations internationales à Moscou (MGIMO)



Habzism, Cherkess mobilization, Elites, Identity


This article centres on the tensions shaping the Cherkess renewal in the context of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games. The localisation of the Olympic Games intensifies identity-based mobilisations and drives Cherkess elites to question and evaluate the foundations of the identity that they promote. Two different tendencies are at work in this renewal. On the one hand, part of the elites considers the customary and pre-Islamic components paramount, giving way to a reestablishment of “habzism”, deriving from the “Adyghe Habze” custom codes. On the other hand, a number of identity entrepreneurs invoke Islam and try to place it at the centre of what they consider the foundations of Cherkess identity. The author explores how different groups position themselves vis-à-vis these two narratives, using data gathered between 2004 and 2012 by interviewing representatives of the Cherkess elites in numerous republics of the North Caucasus.


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How to Cite

Yarlykapov, Akhmet. 2019. “The Cherkess Mobilisation in the Perspective of Sochi and Beyond: Habzism towards Islamic Renewal”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 2 (November):125-39.