Why do leopards dislike stray dogs? Large sports events, engines of growth and neo-patrimonial practices in Russia


  • Vera Galindabaeva Institut de Sociologie de l’Académie des Sciences de Russie, Moscou




Sochi, Kazan, Mega events, Stray dogs, Engines of neo-patrimonial growth, Civil society


This article focuses on the context of the elaboration and the implementation of public policy in view of large sports events in Russia. This subject is analysed through the specific prism of the implementation of stray dogs’ eradication policies in Kazan and Sochi before the 2013 Universiade and the 2014 Winter Olympic Games respectively. The article underlines subtle interactions between local actors, as well as neo- patrimonial logics that characterise public policies of urban renewal. This brings the author to develop a “engine of neo-patrimonial growth” model, specific to the post- Soviet context.


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How to Cite

Galindabaeva, Vera. 2019. “Why Do Leopards Dislike Stray Dogs? Large Sports Events, Engines of Growth and Neo-Patrimonial Practices in Russia”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 2 (November):81-102. https://doi.org/10.5077/journals/connexe.2016.e78.