Sport-related investment plans after Sochi in the North Caucasus

Economic, political, and interethnic challenges


  • Jean Radvanyi INALCO



Olympic games, Sochi, Economic development, Security, Stability, Caucasus, Cherkess


This article expounds the different stakes that Russia had in organizing the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The author reviews the numerous challenges of that Russia had to face, including security and economic dimensions, and the legacy and the management of multi-ethnicity in a region fraught with historical traumas and numerous recent conflicts. The article underlines the complexity of these challenges and the ability of the Russian state to manage them, at least partially, in an international tense context. While supporting his argument with elucidations on the link between internal mechanisms of power and investment strategies, the author establishes ample outlooks on regional economic development.


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How to Cite

Radvanyi, Jean. 2019. “Sport-Related Investment Plans After Sochi in the North Caucasus: Economic, Political, and Interethnic Challenges”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 2 (November):19-36.