When Humanitarian Aid Becomes a Political Issue

The Russian Emergencies Ministry


  • Eva Bertrand




Russia, Disasters, Reform, Humanitarian policy, Shoigu


In the late 1980s, major natural and technological disasters such as Chernobyl and Spitak, in combination with Perestroika, led to the institutionalization of a new state’s role in “emergency situations” management. Established in 1994, the Russian Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) has since emerged as a key player in the country’s humanitarian policy. This ministry, both civil and military, has experienced unexpected growth from the 1990s until now by incorporating new areas of expertise and many new “administrative resources”. Acting as the State’s “humanitarian arm” during disasters and conflicts, it is also an instrument of soft power for Russia abroad. The popularity it enjoys, however, is less related to its activities in times of war and disaster and more to its ability to effectively communicate its functions and values and to promote its former leader, Sergei Shoigu, in office for more than 18 years. Looking back to the creation and development of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we will consider how administrative resources and communication strategies, as well as issues of sovereignty and need for assistance, are intertwined in the implementation of a state humanitarian policy.


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How to Cite

Bertrand, Eva. 2019. “When Humanitarian Aid Becomes a Political Issue: The Russian Emergencies Ministry”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 1 (November):139-59. https://doi.org/10.5077/journals/connexe.2015.e37.