Le tourisme littoral dans le Land de Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Occidentale : marqueur d’identités dans la Baltique


  • Lauriane Létocart Université de Picardie Jules Vernes (FR)




tourism, identity, memory, Germany, tourism practices


The relationship between identity and tourism in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is quite complex. It can be analysed at multiple scales –German and Baltic–, and at several levels: that of space and that of the individual. The trajectory of a reunified Land where coastal tourism is predominantly Germanic is one reason for this. In this context, identity does not refer to fixed data but to a process, a spatial and individual dynamic. Tourism and tourism practices can be seen as the building of identity at the individual level, both in Germany and the Baltic area. Along this coastline, tourism is not just a tool for land planning and economic dynamism. It is a factor of identity integration, and the Baltic environment generates unique tourism practices. Tourism can therefore be analysed as a key to understanding German tourists and German society.


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How to Cite

Létocart, Lauriane. 2021. “Le Tourisme Littoral Dans Le Land De Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Occidentale : Marqueur d’identités Dans La Baltique”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 6 (February):76-102. https://doi.org/10.5077/journals/connexe.2020.e336.