The ICRC and Russia

More than just humanitarian work


  • Jean-François Fayet



Humanitarian, Red Cross, Geneva Conventions, Hague Conventions, Switzerland-Russia relations


Russia is probably one of the countries which, as a partner, but also as an area for action and a preferred location for its operations, has made the most impact on the history of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This country’s importance derives first and foremost from the length of their relationship, which dates back practically to the origin of the ICRC. Although longstanding, this history is nonetheless marked by alternating periods of intense collaboration and phases of tension and absence. It is therefore a relationship that often contrasts with the image of relations between Russia and the outside world throughout the 20th century. We will see that, paradoxically, the phases of cooperation did not always coincide with the “wartime” of humanitarian emergency. However, it was precisely an interest in Russia that prompted the ICRC to go beyond the initial framework of its mandate and shatter the “traditional dualism” between wartime and peacetime. With its tumultuous history, Russia therefore represents an extraordinary laboratory of humanitarian action, as a place to develop best practices and standards, but also new forms of relationships in crisis situations.


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How to Cite

Fayet, Jean-François. 2019. “The ICRC and Russia: More Than Just Humanitarian Work”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 1 (November):55-74.

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