Philanthropy between buisness and military practices

American aid to Soviet Russia during the famine in the 1920’s


  • Yulia Khmelevskaya



1921-1923 famine, Humanitarian action, American Relief Administration, Philanthropy, Mobilization methods


The American Relief Administration operations against famine in Russia in the 1920s are outstanding both by their scope (nearly 10 million people fed daily in August 1922) and by the methods that have been deployed. Based on both American and Russian sources, the paper shows how philanthropy has taken the form of a genuine “business of relief” : a combination of managerial methods (organization, profit maximization, no obvious compassion to beneficiaries) and military practices. The ARA grows indeed out of the First World War : not only did the first distributed aid come from American stocks in Europe, but that’s when its leaders have gained experience and when the methods of managing populations were tested. The article also shows how the ARA was able to protect its independence from the Soviet government, despite attempts by the latter to control it, and suggests that a convergence in methods (permanent mobilization of the population and fascination with Taylorism), may have contributed to the acceptance of the ARA among Soviet leaders. Finally, the article recalls how the rural population received the envoys of the ARA, and how the organization was forced to adapt its activity, relinquishing aspirations of scientific organization to face the devastation of the country.


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How to Cite

Khmelevskaya, Yulia. 2019. “Philanthropy Between Buisness and Military Practices: American Aid to Soviet Russia During the Famine in the 1920’s”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 1 (November):33-53.