The Revolution of 1917 and the Socialist Movement against Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes: Conserving and Protecting the Memory of Struggles


  • Konstantin Morozov Académie des sciences de Russie, Institut d’histoire russe



historical politics, public memory, socialists, anarchists, resistance to the Bolshevik regime


The article describes the educational activities of the research program “Socialists and Anarchists-Participants of the Resistance to the Bolshevik Regime” hosted by the Education and Research Center Memorial. It also presents the website “Russian Socialists and Anarchists after October 1917: History, Ideas, Traditions of Democratic Socialism and the Fates of Participants of the Left Resistance to the Bolshevik Regime”, as well as the permanent seminar “The Leftwing in Russia: History and Public Memory” focusing on the preservation, the representation and the opposition to the deconstruction of memory about the Revolution of 1917 and the struggle of socialists against authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. Through human destiny, personal dimensions and biographies, researchers move towards understanding the history and subculture of society and, drawing on the knowledge of history, behavioural norms and codes of conduct, they can seize the specific features of given fates and biographies. The author hopes that the specialized website and biographical project will contribute not only to further explore the destinies of the socialists and anarchists involved in the resistance to the Bolshevik regime, but also to analyze in greater depth many different subjects related to this topic, which, in turn, could lead to the production of an encyclopedia, articles or monographs.


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How to Cite

Morozov, Konstantin. 2019. “The Revolution of 1917 and the Socialist Movement Against Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes: Conserving and Protecting the Memory of Struggles”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 4 (December):133-46.