Kostan Zarian: Turn and Return between Homeland and Diaspora


  • Vartan Matiossian




Zarian, Armenia, Diaspora, Homeland, Literature


Kostan Zarian, one of the foremost figures of twentieth-century Armenian literature, left a vast literary corpus of prose and poetry. This essay introduces one of his main subjects: his project of nation building through literature, particularly addressed during the decades he spent in the Armenian diaspora. It is noteworthy that Zarian explicitly rejected the Armenian dispersion brought by the catastrophic genocide of 1915, a rejection embodied by his (re)turn to the homeland in the twilight of his life.


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How to Cite

Matiossian, Vartan. 2022. “Kostan Zarian: Turn and Return Between Homeland and Diaspora: ”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 8 (1):80-92. https://doi.org/10.5077/journals/connexe.2022.e1036.