Cultural and Geopolitical Conflicts between the West and Russia: Western NGOs and LGBT Activism




Russia, LGBT rights, Traditional Values, Homophobia, Sexuality


Gender norms and sexuality have become a part of cultural and geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West. In the early 1990s, Russia was ready to embrace Western liberal values welcoming foreign and international nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) to work in the country. In the last two decades, the Kremlin has started to perceive the promotion of Western liberal ideals across the globe as a sign of imperialism. Putin’s Russia presents itself as an advocate of “traditional values” and a defender of “traditional family”. The rejection of LGBT rights is part of Putin’s narrative of resisting Western liberal dominance. The Kremlin views Western NGOs promoting liberal agenda as actors working to undermine the county’s sovereignty and security. The paper analyses the role of foreign and international (Western) NGOs in Russian LGBT activism. It discusses how changes in geopolitical orientation and foreign policy that Russia has experienced in the post-Soviet period affected the connections between Russian LGBT activists and Western donors.


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How to Cite

Buyantueva, Radzhana. 2022. “Cultural and Geopolitical Conflicts Between the West and Russia: Western NGOs and LGBT Activism”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 8 (1):148-67.