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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in DOC, DOCX or RTF file format, and it follows the templates provided in the Author Guidelines.
  • Where available, DOI, PMID or URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines

General Standards
Submitted articles must adhere to the scope and editorial policies of the journal.
Antibody Reports publishes articles using a specific format, with emphasis placed primarily on the Material & Methods and Results sections. Each submitted article should focus on a single experimental technique used to characterize one or more antibodies. If an antibody has been characterized with multiple techniques, we strongly encourage authors to submit separate manuscripts.
A certain degree of redundancy in published data is acceptable, especially when describing slight variations of a given protocol (e.g., different fixation procedures for immunofluorescence).
Articles describing negative results (i.e., an antibody not working with a given technique) are welcome when a suitable positive control is provided.

Antibodies and antigens description
Antibody Reports exclusively publishes articles describing chemically defined antibodies (with a known sequence) against a specific target. To maintain uniformity, all antibodies should be identified by their ABCD number (ABCD_XXXX), and targets should be specified with identifiers from reputable repositories (e.g., a UniProt identifier for proteins or a ChEBI identifier for chemical compounds). If your antibody is not yet included in the ABCD database, we require that you submit it to the database before sending your manuscript.

Language style
The default language style used by Antibody Reports is American English.
If you prefer your article to be formatted in British English, please specify this in your manuscript.

Fonts and styles
The default font for the text body is Times New Roman, 10 points. The title of the article is in italics, size of 20 points. Authors affiliation is in italics, size 8 points. Paragraph titles are bold, size 11 points. Paragraph subtitles are bold, size 10 points.

Authors are highly encouraged to download and use our word templates.
Three templates are available for the following techniques:


  • Abstract: The abstract should specify all the names of the antibodies tested in the article, the antigen and the technique used.
  • Introduction: This section should contain a short description of the target antigen (50 – 200 words)
  • Material & Methods: The Materials & Methods section should be as detailed as possible, meticulously describing the experimental conditions and controls employed. When applicable, it should contain three distinct sub-headings: Description of the antibodies, Description of the antigen, and Protocol.
  • Results and Discussions: The Results section should be as concise as possible and focus on describing the main results obtained from the experiment.

The figures should be sent as separate files and embedded in the main text of the submitted article (see templates for example). They should be fully readable when printed.

  • Dimensions: 1- or 2-column wide (80 mm or 160 mm wide)
  • Format: (jpeg/png, 300 dpi)
  • Font: Arial 8 to 12 points
  • Color mode: RGB

Please note that figures not in accordance with the guidelines will cause substantial delay during the production process.

The references section should be kept to a minimum (around 2-5 bibliographical references).
Please use the APA style with a corresponding DOI number. (e.g. Tsukita, S., Tanaka, H., & Tamura, A. (2019). The Claudins: From Tight Junctions to Biological Systems. Trends in biochemical sciences, 44(2), 141–152.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.