Antibody Reports
Antibody Reports (eISSN 2624-8557) is an international, academic open access online journal edited by the Geneva Antibody Facility, designed to focus on technical, experimental validation of recombinant antibodies. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental results in as much detail as possible, with the philosophy of "one antigen, one technique, one paper".
Bulletin de la Société d'égyptologie, Genève
The Bulletin de la Société d'égyptologie, Genève (BSÉG) is a scientific publication dedicated to Ancient Egypt and all its aspects (archaeology, religion, history, language, culture, etc.) from Prehistoric Times to the Byzantine Era.
The paper edition of the Bulletin is sent for free to members of the Société d'égyptologie, Genève and is available for purchase on the website of the Société d'égyptologie, Genève.
Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces
Connexe. Exploring Post-communist Spaces addresses multidisciplinary issues related to countries that shared the experience of communism (the successor states of the Soviet Union, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans), from a perspective that combines the past and the present.
Education Ouverte et Libre - Open Education
Education Ouverte et Libre - Open Education is a multilingual scientific journal that aims to reflect, discuss and think about Open Education issues at the international level. Following the UNESCO (2021) recommendations on open science and particularly the "open dialogue with other knowledge systems", the journal offers a space to reflect on all aspects of the educational ecosystem in an open and free paradigm. Its particularity of hosting articles in all world languages and providing a long summary in the 6 UN languages for each accepted article aims to foster exchange and interaction.
For further information visit the About Section or the Announcements
Please note that currently the interface of the journal is available only in English and French for now but extended summaries of articles published are available in the 6 UN languages. The journal is work in progress and changes regularly.
This journal is launched with the support of Agence de la Francophonie, Intenscification de la Francophonie scientifique (IntenSciF) seed money.
Education in debate: comparative analysis
Education in debate: comparative analysis (ISSN 1660-7147) is an international, peer-reviewed open access online journal that publishes academic work in French and English on contemporary educational issues from a critical and comparative perspective.
Língua-lugar : Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais
A revista Língua-lugar: Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais é uma revista digital de livre acesso, interdisciplinar e que tem como objetivo questionar os discursos literários, históricos, sociais e artísticos sobre a história e a cultura dos países de língua portuguesa. Está associada ao Centre d’Études Lusophones (CEL) e aberta aos estudiosos de todo o mundo que queiram pulicar, permitindo o diálogo numa perspetiva global. Os seus artigos são sujeitos à revisão anónima pelos pares.
Founded in 1978, Parallèles is a scholarly journal showcasing research in translation and interpreting. It is published by the Bibliothèque de l'Université de Genève on behalf of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Revue électronique suisse de science de l'information (RESSI)
Publiée une fois par année, la Revue électronique suisse de science de l'information (RESSI) a pour but principal le développement scientifique de cette discipline en Suisse.
Revue d'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique
The Revue d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Afrique (RHCA) is a French-language contemporary history journal with an international editorial board that focuses on the contemporary history of the African continent (19th to 21st centuries). Entirely open access, it publishes thematic issues (2 per year) as well as various articles, book reviews, interviews and a ‘Sources, fields & contexts’ section. RHCA publishes peer-reviewed articles in French and provides a forum for African historians to meet and exchange ideas.
Revue interdisciplinaire sur le handicap visuel
RIHV is an interdisciplinary journal on visual impairment. The review publishes research articles or practices contributions that help to enrich knowledge on visual impairment as well as promoting inclusive practices and accessibility in every aspect of life.
Revue pluridisciplinaire d'Education par et pour les Doctorant-e-s
RED is a international, peer-reviewed open access online journal on education with a multidisciplinary perspective. It has been made by and for doctoral students to discuss education-related themes but also questioned through other disciplines.
Sedimentologika is a community-driven, free to publish, free to access, and free to share scientific journal about sedimentology, stratigraphy, and related fields.