«I don’t want to watch every Sunday how I slash someone again»: The Memory of the Civil War, the Cinema and the Viewer’s Reception in the 1920s


  • Elizaveta Zhdankova




Civil War, Soviet cinema, reception, NEP, 1920s


During the 1920s in the USSR, the theme of the Civil War became an essential part of the mass culture of the period, and more specifically of Soviet film production. Produced in a context of shortages – experienced filmmakers and celluloid were lacking –, these films, which portrayed a simplified vision of events, had an essential propaganda purpose for the new Bolshevik regime. This article analyses the reception of these films on the basis of public discussions and opinion polls in cinemas among moviegoers. This work deals with the generational gap concerning the reception of this production: films that aroused the enthusiasm of a young public were often more criticized by the older generations, survivors of the Civil War. Indeed, the latter considered that the productions did not do justice to their sacrifices during those years of conflict. The violence of some shots, the blood on the screen, as well as the fate of the main characters are at the focus of heated discussions. This study focuses on the memory and commemoration of the Civil War in the first post-war decade.


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How to Cite

Zhdankova, Elizaveta. 2021. “«I don’t Want to Watch Every Sunday How I Slash Someone again»: The Memory of the Civil War, the Cinema and the Viewer’s Reception in the 1920s”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 7 (December):83–106. https://doi.org/10.5077/journals/connexe.2021.e614.