Neither Reds nor Whites. Some observations on peasant insurrections during the Civil War in Russia-Ukraine (1918-1922)


  • Alexis Berelowitch



Civil war, revolution, Bolsheviks, peasants, deserters, repressions, revolts, requisitions


The aim of this article is to summarise the new understanding of the role played by the peasantry during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1922, made possible by the opening of archives in the 1990s and their incomplete publication by the historian Viktor Danilov and the sociologist Teodor Shanin. Although it does not radically overhaul the perception that one might have had previously of this crucial episode in twentieth-century Russian history, they do modify or clarify it on many points.

First of all, the uprisings against Soviet power, which were much more widespread than previously thought, often played a decisive role in the course of the Civil War and in particular in the decision to establish the NEP. Neither 'Reds' nor 'Whites', the peasants opposed the predatory policies of both.

However, what we do find in the archives are accounts of uprisings, many of which sparked off by the Bolshevik power's requisitioning of wheat by special detachments or forced conscription into the Red Army. These revolts were of varying scope.

Far from being monarchist, the slogans of the insurgents indicate a repudiation of the old regime and an endorsement of the soviets, along with a violent rejection of the Bolsheviks, who were regarded as thieves and profiteers. The archives reveal in detail the violence of the insurgents, but above all the massive repression they suffered.


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How to Cite

Berelowitch, Alexis. 2021. “Neither Reds nor Whites. Some Observations on Peasant Insurrections During the Civil War in Russia-Ukraine (1918-1922)”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 7 (December):126–152.