Revenge of the tampon: Gender and materialisms (new and old) in the 20th century Central and Eastern Europe


  • Kristen Ghodsee



I wrote this talk specifically for this conference and so my ideas are still raw. I am also not an historian, although my ethnographic research is deeply inflected with the oral historical narratives of my subjects. This is an exploratory text, still very much in progress, and I hope you will forgive the tentative nature of my reflections. This full text was first delivered as a keynote address on October 1, 2021, to the “Gender and materiality in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century conference” at Sciences Po in Paris. A shorter version of the text was published in a Festschrift for the Bulgarian historian, Maria Todorova (see Ghodsee 2023, 235-246), with the support of the Leibniz Institute of Eastern and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, Germany.


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How to Cite

Ghodsee, Kristen. 2023. “Revenge of the Tampon: Gender and Materialisms (new and Old) in the 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe”. Connexe: Exploring Post-Communist Spaces 9 (1):125-42.