About the Journal

Objectives and Scope

Connexe. Exploring Post-communist Spaces addresses multidisciplinary issues related to countries that shared the experience of communism (the successor states of the Soviet Union, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans), from a perspective that combines the past and the present.


Connexe. Exploring Post-communist Spaces is indexed in SCOPUS and ERIH PLUS.

Frequency of publication and guidelines

Connexe publishes one volume per year under the responsibility of an international Editorial Board and Scientific Committee.  The main language of publication is French, but articles in English are welcome.

Connexe examines submissions to its different sections all year round: Dossiers, Varia, Open Fora, Stop on Archives, Book Reviews.

To be published by Connexe, please read carefully the information for authors and the description of the journal’s sections on the submissions page. You can contact the Editorial Secretariat to assess whether your research topic falls within the themes addressed by the journal.

Open access declaration

Connexe is an open access journal. All contents are immediately and freely available to the public.

Submitting and publishing manuscripts in Connexe is free of charge. There are no submission or article processing fees (APC) or other regressive charges related to authorship or publication.

All articles have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.

All articles published in Connexe are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) International License.


Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication.

The contents published in Connexe may be freely downloaded, saved, reproduced and transmitted for any purpose. Nevertheless, reproduction and transmission of content must without exception mention the author and the original source.


This journal ensures the long-term availability of its content. Articles published in Connexe are automatically preserved using the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN). 


The journal does not issue any repository embargo on papers submitted. Authors can deposite all versions of their paper (submitted, accepted, published) in an institutional or other repository of the authorʼs choice.


The electronic version of Connexe (e-ISSN 2673-2750) is published by Cevipol (Centre d’étude de la vie politique) of the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva. It is hosted by the Library of the University of Geneva using a customized version of OJS by The Public Knowledge Project (PKP).