Aims & Scope

In a knowledge society, Education and Science are two sides of the same coin (Innerarity, 2015). Inspired by UNESCO (2021) recommendations on Open Science, and particularly the “open dialogue with other knowledge systems”, this journal aims to contribute to discussions on Open Education.

What can science and education mean when they are considered beyond the prism of modern society (Latour, 2006) and Western-centred approaches (Santos, 2021)? How can all the research work accomplished during centuries be enriched with open approaches? How can openness be apprehended as a paradigm shift that conveys liberty and transparency (Peter et Deimann, 2013)? In an Open landscape, who are the stakeholders and which role do communities play? Can knowledge be considered a universal common good? Which underlying philosophical approaches inspire Openness? At legal, economic and technological levels, are changes needed? What about institutional policies? With regard to practitioners, i.e. scholars, how does Openness affect our praxis? In terms of research, which topics related to Openness should be given priority?

These are a few examples of questions directly related to Open Education that we would like to discuss in breadth and depth.

The journal welcomes articles in all languages in order to allow the discussion of concepts and perspectives with accuracy and in full ownership. Scholars can present their research into education-related phenomena without having to filter it - neither through a predefined language, nor through predefined topics or methodologies. Santos (2016, p. 59) examples of terms such as 'water', 'dignity', 'respect' and 'Mother Earth' are worth mentioning. In light of the current ecological situation, what role could these concepts play in Open Education and Open Science for example?

In order to allow both this independent and native expression and its dissemination, we have chosen to translate long abstracts into the six languages of the United Nations.

All types of articles emanating from practice, empirical research, practice-based research or research-based practice, reflections or any other emerging type are accepted. That said, articles must be consistently written, documenting axiological foundations and author’s positionality to document findings shared in a robust manner. This journal is not about reproducing "research technicity": a critical and creative mindset is definitely required.


Innerarity, D. (2015). Chapitre 3. La société de la connaissance et l’ignorance. Dans Démocratie et société de la connaissance (p. 47-65). Presses universitaires de Grenoble.

Latour, B. (2006). Nous n'avons jamais été modernes: Essai d'anthropologie symétrique. La Découverte.

Peter, S. et Deimann, M. (2013). On the role of openness in education: A historical reconstruction. Open Praxis, 5(1), 7-14.

Santos, B. d. S. (2016). Epistémologies du Sud : mouvements citoyens et polémique sur la science. Desclée de Brouwer.

Santos, B. d. S. (2021). Decolonising the University : the Challenge of Deep Cognitive Justice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

UNESCO. (2021). Recommendation on Open Science.