
Stay tuned for news from EOL-OE journal

Open Educational Resources in the Global South


The EOL-OE journal is happy to announce the publication of two articles on OER in the Global South:

Ouahib, S., Bendaoud, R., Shlaka, S., & Berrada, K. (2023). OER as a certain solution for uncertain times: A reflection on the initiatives undertaken in Morocco during the covid-19 period. Education Ouverte Et Libre - Open Education, (2). https://doi.org/10.52612/journals/eol-oe.2023.e1118
Laroussi, M., & BenHenda, M. (2023). Ressources Éducatives Libres et éducation ouverte : l’écosystème RELIEFH pour l’égalité femme-homme. Education Ouverte Et Libre - Open Education, (2). https://doi.org/10.52612/journals/eol-oe.2023.e1155

Please share in your networks! Thank you.

2nd call: Open Education and the Commons


Within the second volume of Education Ouverte et Libre – Open Education, scholars are invited to reflect on Open Education from the commons’ perspective. You can revisit discussions that happened in the past, actualising them for the XXIst century context, explore new avenues, reach out to liquid and postdigital perspectives (Tesar et al., 2022), etc.

First articles published!


The EOL-OE journal has published its first two articles, available from https://oap.unige.ch/journals/eol-oe/issue/view/Volume1-Numero1-2022 . The journal is aligned with Open Science principles, i.e. Open Peer Review, Open Access, translation of extended summaries in the 6 UN languages, etc. Thus, an article comes with its ecosystem for increased transparency and cross-breading of ideas beyond languages.
The editorial team thanks you for your support and wishes you fruitful insights :)

Call upon invitation


Open Education for the Knowledge Society

Within this first volume of the journal Education Ouverte et Libre – Open Education (EOL-OE), you are invited to revisit your research and experience of Open Education to imagine its future.