Teachers’ critical reflection: what are the practices for social justice in education?





éducation primaire, élève d’origine immigrante ou réfugié, justice sociale, multiculturalisme critique, récit de pratique


This article explores teachers’ participation in the school’s social justice system through the lens of the critical multicultural approach (May & Sleeter, 2010; May, 2000; 2003). Based on a research project about reconstruction and the theorization of teachers’ stories of practice (Desgagné, 2005) in a multiethnic context, data was collected from teachers in highly multiethnic primary schools in Québec. They were asked to narrate a story about a problem or an event with an immigrant or refugee student in their class. Four of these stories have been selected for this article. Our aim was to analyze the teachers’ cultural responses and their perception of their roles in supporting their students. Our analysis shows that although these teachers tend to make changes to their students’ reality, they cannot escape or contest “alone” the norms of an academic, societal and political system that governs its power relationships and privileges, its dominant norms and values.


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How to Cite

Koubeissy, R., & Audet, G. (2021). Teachers’ critical reflection: what are the practices for social justice in education?. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 11(1), 60–77. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2021.11-1.e433