L’école et la justice sociale. Une étude de cas autour de No Child Left Behind





accountability, educational policies, equality of opportunity, loose coupling, No Child Left Behind


This article is based on a review of the literature on the American law No Child Left Behind (NCLB). By studying this law, its implementation and its effects on equity and school performance, this article aims to understand the extent to which an equity policy succeeds — or fails — in limiting school inequalities. After describing the instruments mobilized by NCLB, we explain the role of its implementation in the distribution of educational goods, asking what institutional principles organize this distribution and highlighting the mechanisms of decoupling between the intentions of NCLB and their realization. Our analysis shows that the law has perverse effects: poor and ethnically diverse schools are more likely to fail to comply with NCLB requirements and to be penalized, especially financially. Thus, the principle of “pressure without support” penalizes the most disadvantaged. Ultimately, the thesis supported in this article is that an educational policy of social justice can only be achieved if it is based on a fair vision of the sources of inequalities and if it considers all the actors in the educational process in an equitable manner.


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How to Cite

Felouzis, G., & Savioz, M. (2021). L’école et la justice sociale. Une étude de cas autour de No Child Left Behind. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 11(1), 97–115. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2021.11-1.e394