A discourse analysis of the influence of international organizations in Malaysia through complexity theory, P
The influence of international organizations on national education systems have been increasing substantially in recent years. As the role of nation-states is changing in education governance, this has enabled international organizations to not only govern, but also regulate education practices around the world. In order to unpack the complexities of the advancing role of international organizations on national education systems, this research pays attention to Malaysia, a country from the Global South and has recently experienced its first political transition. Utilizing a discourse analysis underpinned with theoretical framework of complexity theory, this study investigates the Malaysian Education Blueprint, a major education policy document, alongside 24 online blogs and articles related to the Malaysian education system. An analysis of the blueprint shows the nation’s over-reliance on benchmarking the education system against OECD’s standards. Similarly, findings from a discourse analysis of the articles and a learning module, PISA HEBAT Reading Module, highlight the influence of OECD PISA in orienting literacy learning in the Malaysian education ecosystem. Three emerging themes emerged in this study, which are uncritical take on international assessments, the emphasis on decentralization, and the growth of International Baccalaureate.
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