Operationalising Global Citizenship Education

the Universal Learning Programme


  • Conrad Hughes International School of Geneva




This article describes the Universal learning Programme, an innovative curriculum framework designed by the International School of Geneva’s La Grande Boissière campus and UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education. The design, scope and reach of the programme operationalises Global Citizenship Education through the development of deep conceptual understanding of relevant domains, the assessment of life-worthy competences and the creation of authentic social impact. It is through this balanced synthesis of learning and innovative task design that all the precepts of Global Citizenship Education are developed and put into concrete practice. The Universal Learning Programme offers e


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How to Cite

Hughes, C. (2021). Operationalising Global Citizenship Education: the Universal Learning Programme. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(1), 122–138. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2020.10-1.e370