O uso de Freire na educação intercultural e educação do campo no Brasil


  • Mylene Santiago Universidade Federal Fluminense




Freire’s approach to popular education has had an influence on rural education since the 1960s. The challenges of rural education in Brazil however remain in many ways similar: ensuring the right of access to knowledge for rural populations; ensuring the right to difference and the recognition of rural practices and knowledge; the need to break with the hegemonic paradigm by promoting projects that build and disseminates knowledge that is imbedded in rural culture. Rural education also seeks to respond to the demands of the different communities such as quilombolas, Indigenous Peoples and the diverse groups of rural workers and peasants. In this respect, Freire’s educational proposal remains relevant for today’s rural education due to its dialogical, critical and democratic character. In this paper, we will seek to discuss Freire’s contributions to the historical genesis of intercultural education in Brazil, his thoughts on the relationship between culture and education, and the question of dialogue as a pedagogical strategy for empowering those who suffer from social exclusion.


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How to Cite

Santiago, M. (2021). O uso de Freire na educação intercultural e educação do campo no Brasil. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(1), 72–83. https://doi.org/10.51186/journals/ed.2020.10-1.e282