Systèmes éducatifs africains. Effets des TICs sur les politiques d’enseignement




digital culture, educational system, human person, integrative knowledge, noumenon


Faced already with the recognition and modernization of its diverse and multifaceted educational system, the invasion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in all areas further exacerbates the gap between African countries in their various positions and the rest of the world. Technological progress, a universal heritage, is then examined as an alternative voice/path to the ‟all’’ or ‟nothing’’ policy in terms of knowledge transmission for the purpose of completeness. Indeed, information and communication technologies now convey knowledge to individuals without any other concern for privilege or discrimination, offering themselves as both a path and a voice, exposing humans to their representations as signs. In a semiotic-interactional and philosophical approach, signs are analyzed to describe ICTs as a voice in order to highlight the path they represent for educational systems. It is a discursive space mutating at all levels of the educational system, imposing new paradigms of content to the agent through the interactive framework and the concepts revolving around the right to education.


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How to Cite

Lokonon, C. (2023). Systèmes éducatifs africains. Effets des TICs sur les politiques d’enseignement. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 13(2), 158–174.