Ancrages et transferts transcontinentaux des positions de Paulo Freire

Une théorie de la pratique de la liberté plus qu’une théorie de l’éducation


  • Bernard Schneuwly Université de Genève
  • Rita Hofstetter Université de Genève



How can we understand the immense popularity of Paulo Freire? After having shown the extent of his popularity through a quantitative analysis, this critical essay attempts to identify the context in which his work was developed and re-appropriated by different social movements and intellectual currents. To this end, we draw on an extensive body of literature on Freire's intellectual trajectory and militant commitment. By seeking to periodize his career, we examine the way in which this reformist pedagogue positions himself in relation to other schools of thought, notably through an analysis of the evolution of the references cited in his work. We thus attempt to grasp Freire’s ability to draw inspiration from his political sensibility, which provides some indications that may explain the pedagogue’s current success. Extending the discussion to the University Professors who invited us to discuss Freirism, we ultimately question how Freire’s tools can help pedagogues approach the problems facing today’s schools.


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How to Cite

Schneuwly, B., & Hofstetter, R. (2021). Ancrages et transferts transcontinentaux des positions de Paulo Freire: Une théorie de la pratique de la liberté plus qu’une théorie de l’éducation. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 10(1), 8–26.