Langues, constructivismes et interculturalité. Comment participer à l’harmonisation des sociétés par l’apprentissage du français,


  • Angéline Martel Télé-Université, Québec


The title refers to the perspective that teaching/learning second and foreign languages is gradually taking in contemporary theory. This is particularly true for French as a second/foreign language learning/teaching where, beyond the importance of a first-level of functional language acquisition, we are increasingly conscious that languages are an intercultural connection and that their knowledge brings an ecological equilibrium and harmony between languages. This movement, previously labelled language as culture, is evolving in a completely different direction today; towards language learning as part of intercultural training and solidarity, in accord with other planetary social movements (ecology, constructivism, etc).

From this point of view, language teaching methodologies and the curricula are of prime importance if they seek to uncover competition and focus on actions and discourses of solidarity.

This article is theoretical, by painting a picture of contemporary ideologies (those of solidarity and those of competition) and practical, by showing how these ideologies influence in the classroom.

Moreover, this interculturality of solidarity has to be reflected in language policies that frame language teaching and learning experiences.


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How to Cite

Martel, A. (2023). Langues, constructivismes et interculturalité. Comment participer à l’harmonisation des sociétés par l’apprentissage du français,. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 1, 1–27. Retrieved from


