Enseignants et migrants en Afrique: rôle de l’école dans la cohésion sociale


  • Pierre Kipré Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire


While the institutions and the political life have to stabilize, the social cohesion in Africa is continuously questionned by the insertion and the integration mode of the populations in the State, sometimes about the mode of violence; but also by the nature and the importance of the population migrations which awareness of a proper identity make them appear as nations among the young States. The social cohesion is then in the heart of several challenges of the development. The school in the sub-saharian Africa, which the formulated targets at the begining of the independence were to strongly contribute to the social cohesion, did not meet the highlighted expectations yet in the development strategy of those States. Instead of using their skills of living together that will give it its entire legacy, the choice of the intellectual knowledge based on a model unherited from the colonia era mainly explained its failure.

The current approach of the development in Africa, based on the regional integration, leads us to expect a renewal of the reflexion about how to better realize the pedagogic transition. Indeed, the school and the teachers in Africa must play a better role in the promotion of a more dynamic citizenship, more open to the others - in particular the migrant population - and more concerned about the preparation of the intercultural dialogue for a mutual enrichment in the African State.


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How to Cite

Kipré, P. (2023). Enseignants et migrants en Afrique: rôle de l’école dans la cohésion sociale. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 2, 237–252. Retrieved from https://oap.unige.ch/journals/ed/article/view/460