Accréditation des Hautes écoles spécialisées: effets sur la gestion stratégique et sur la qualité des missions


  • Marc-André Berclaz HES-SO


Created in 1996, the universities of applied sciences (UAS) offer a wider range of training courses at the university-level. Switzerland has 7 UAS, among them the UAS of Western Switzerland, which provides training courses in all the fields of higher education in the French speaking area of Switzerland. These UAS benefited from a provisional authorization of management until 2003. They were subjected to two parallel assessments: a “meta” evaluation of the institutions and a peer review for each site or under site (the Swiss Peer Review). The latter is the most significant ever organized. In spite of the difficulties of such an operation, the results are very positive: from now on, the UAS benefit from a rationalized supply of studies. They develop in a short time various activities according to their goals and adapt their models of governance gradually in order to reinforce their strategic management. At the same time, the institutions set up quality systems, including certifications like ISO standardization. From now on, the UAS are ready to adapt their bachelor curricula in order to satisfy the requirements of the accreditation in 2008. 


Commission fédérale des HES. Rapport intermédiaire concernant la création des HES.

Commission fédérale des HES. HES 2002 – Rapport sur la création des Hautes écoles spécialisées suisses.

Département fédéral de l’économie, service de la communication (19.12.2003). Informations supplémentaires: une formation orientée vers la pratique de niveau haute école.

Office fédéral de la formation et de la technologie (2000). Bulletin FH-HES, 2.

Office fédéral de la formation et de la technologie (2003). Bulletin FH-HES, 1.

Stamm, M. Enquête auprès des responsables de filières et des pairs sur la qualité des processus. OFFT.

Loi sur les HES, RS 414.71.

Ordonnance sur les HES, RS 414.711.

Ordonnance sur les HES, annexe à l’article 11 « Objectifs du Conseil fédéral », RS 414.711.



How to Cite

Berclaz, M.-A. (2023). Accréditation des Hautes écoles spécialisées: effets sur la gestion stratégique et sur la qualité des missions . Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 3, 36–51. Retrieved from