Entre droit et résistances culturelles : Le système scolaire indien est-il en mesure de lutter contre les inégalités de castes et de genre ?


  • Isabelle Lagrange


India wanted to be an independent and democratic state. Its project was to gather the whole of its population to write a new page of its history. But how to forget the weight of the past, a thousand-year-old society dominated by the system of the castes. To free itself, India writes a constitution which affirms the equality of all its citizens. In order to conclude this change, a vast literacy campaign must allow to stimulate the social mobility and a positive discrimination is charged to protect the most vulnerable populations. Today however, Dalits, those which by their birth were regarded as impure are always the least educated, and the constantly mentioned universal schooling is still far from being carried out. If one now considers the dimension of the gender, one realizes that girls are sent to school less often than boys, but it turns out that it is not the poorest, those for example of the tribal populations, which are the least emancipated. In reality, it is the work that permits a woman to be freed from her subordinate position, and it is the poorest and least educated women who work the most.


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How to Cite

Lagrange, I. (2023). Entre droit et résistances culturelles : Le système scolaire indien est-il en mesure de lutter contre les inégalités de castes et de genre ?. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 5, 14–32. Retrieved from https://oap.unige.ch/journals/ed/article/view/435


