Les jeunes non scolarisés : une perspective internationale et comparative


  • Abdeljalil Akkari Université de Genève


The Global South faces the persistence of a large number out-of-school youth. This paper offers a comparative analysis of this issue in different regions of the world. The first section focuses on the challenges that a young population represents for the demography and the socioeconomic development of a country. The second section analyzes the evolution of this issue in the international agenda. If in the 1990s, youth access to school was at the center of discussions, from the 2000s, the essential skills and competencies needed by youth become the priority. The third section highlights specific pedagogical approaches implemented in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The fourth section emphasizes the need to reform both the pedagogy of massschooling as well as the models of socioeconomic development to find a lasting solution to the issue of out-of-school youth.


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How to Cite

Akkari, A. (2023). Les jeunes non scolarisés : une perspective internationale et comparative. Education in Debate: Comparative Analysis, 7, 6–20. Retrieved from https://oap.unige.ch/journals/ed/article/view/384